inspired by

Creators In The Vibe began as the seedling of an idea delivered during a morning meditation.

After living in Oakland, CA for five years, native New Yorker Tatiana Borda returned to her hometown craving a creative community. Many of her childhood friends were starting families but Tatiana knew that wasn’t the path she was on.

She knew that she wanted to create.

Tatiana also knew that building a strong network of creatives was the best way to help other people who also longed for creative collaboration. She loved engaging in conversation with others, and considered starting a YouTube channel, but being camera-shy proved a considerable hurdle.

At a friend’s suggestion, Tatiana developed her idea into a podcast where guests could speak openly, sharing

“inspirational life experiences and provide a positive perspective on challenging situations.”

The intention is to spur growth and imagination.

Creators In The Vibe is a platform where creatives can share personal stories in a loving, nurturing, and safe space.

Our podcast explores the creative journey: from that initial spark of enchantment and wonder, to each artist’s inspirations, and their individual challenges.

By uniting individuals in honest and open conversation Creators In The Vibe hopes our podcast and open mic events will cultivate the type of collaborations which are necessary to bring lasting changes into our communities.

Tatiana brings her warmth, optimism, and humor to each interview, and aims to promote

"an incredible exchange of energy, inspiration and encouragement to keep pushing the magic.”



Artists can change the world

I'm building a community that I believe in. It's bigger than me.

I draw in inspiration from every creative that I have on the show. Hearing them share their story inspires me to continue to get more stories out.

Creators In The Vibe exists to push the magic of our ideas. The vision is to bring like-minded creatives together, inspiring one another to make art that creates solutions to social and political issues, and ultimately impacting the world with love and positivity.

— Tatiana Borda